Reach for the Stars and Beyond

Are you refereed to as “a force of nature to be reckoned with” on a regular basis?
Do people talk about you as “a visionary light years ahead of his/her time”?
Are you called “the most important agent of change of our third millennium society”?
Are you ‘”the last strand of hope for democracy and capitalism”?


Then you need our “Reach for the Stars and Beyond” personal building course!

FIRST, we’ll break you to pieces with the help of our boot camp marines yelling officers in our intensive 14 month program. You’ll live in the damp and cold woods, with highly trained snipers hunting you down using live ammo day and night. You’ll become a scared animal, running on instinct only. You’ll be forced to eat moss and potentially deadly mushrooms to survive. Your psyche will be crushed into a fine mental powder, then be blown away by the wind of contempt and despair. You will forget your name. You will forget your life. You will forget your humanity. You will wish you were dead.

BUT, at the last moment — just before you sink into a permanent hallucinogenic dementia — one of our certified premium professional master life coach will grab you from the muck and bring you back to life.

We’ll rebuild you from the ground up. You’ll learn how to crawl, walk and run. You’ll re-learn how to speak coherently and better.than ever before Our personal trainers will transform the crawling Golem you’ve become into a tall-walking proud human gem. Our team of plastic surgeons will change everything about you, to make you so beautiful people will faint at your approach. They will alter your skeletal structure, your profile, your skin, your hair, your eye color, your speech, your posture and your DNA.

Our army of expert-life coaches will change your presence, your vocabulary, your charisma, your knowledge base, your habits and your life force.

Soon, you’ll get a new name and a new family — a better family. You’ll want nothing to do with the slobs at home.

NOW you will be ready to achieve greatness. NOW you will access real power. NOW you will be able to reshape humanity as we know it.

Call now and become a new person. A better person.

First 1,500 callers will get a cruel reality-check.