- Wear special pants with a vinyl liner full of Jell-O. Look at your colleagues faces when you move.
- Practice Tourette ventriloquism when a colleague is speaking.
- Insert a barely noticeable, very faded erotic background on some of the Powerpoint slides of the presenter.
- Use a realistic gel soft hand instead of your real hand (hidden in your long coat sleeve) when shaking hand before the meeting.
- Quote unknown German philosophers on completely non-related topics.
- Wear ridiculously tight dress pants and stuff the front of your underwear with a 3 pairs of socks. Watch if more guys than girls look at your crotch.
- Chant your comments and suggestions accompanied by a tambourine.
- Bring 8 starving homeless guys wearing a tie on top of their regular clothes, and watch the reaction of the business people as your guests dive for the free snacks.
- Absentmindedly flash a picture of your boss’ wife in your wallet as you reach for something else. Make sure 1 or 2 people see it. See how long until the info reaches your boss.
- Speak only in fake acronyms. Smile at people in a condescending way if they ask you questions about those acronyms.
Monthly Archives: June 2011
7 things you don’t want to hear from your doctor
- Dr. Martin, if you can’t watch basketball and do your double-bypass surgery, I’ll have to turn off the game.
- It seems Dr. Martin forgot his watch and his coffee mug in you abdomen during the surgery. Any chance you can drop by next week?
- The experimental anti-depressant medication I put you on for 2 years actually created a full fledge violent psychopathic multiple personality disorder. My bad.
- Dear sir, your new heart and lungs have been recalled due to cyanide contamination. Please return them in the yellow envelope in the next 5 business days.
- Miss, I can assure you the low cost sugar beverage now replacing your blood will do just fine.
- Dear sir, you’ll be glad to hear that we took the liberty to optimize your body during the routine root canal. We took out about 4 buckets of stuff. If you think we took things you need to stay alive, please come back and we’ll put it back, free of charge.
- Well, your critical brain operation cost $375,000. If money is an issue, I know a blind surgery enthusiast who can do it in the back of his van for $350. He’s pretty good with the steak knife.
7 things you don’t want to hear from your doctor
- Dr. Martin, if you can’t watch basketball and do your double-bypass surgery, I’ll have to turn off the game.
- It seems Dr. Martin forgot his watch and his coffee mug in you abdomen during the surgery. Any chance you can drop by next week?
- The experimental anti-depressant medication I put you on for 2 years actually created a full fledge violent psychopathic multiple personality disorder. My bad.
- Dear sir, your new heart and lungs have been recalled due to cyanide contamination. Please return them in the yellow envelope in the next 5 business days.
- Miss, I can assure you the low cost sugar beverage now replacing your blood will do just fine.
- Dear sir, you’ll be glad to hear that we took the liberty to optimize your body during the routine root canal. We took out about 4 buckets of stuff. If you think we took things you need to stay alive, please come back and we’ll put it back, free of charge.
- Well, your critical brain operation cost $375,000. If money is an issue, I know a blind surgery enthusiast who can do it in the back of his van for $350. He’s pretty good with the steak knife.
What would it take?
If you believe in God, what would it take for you stop believing?
What would you need to learn or to see to make you realize there is no god, or at least, that the Christian, Jewish or Muslim god doesn’t exist?
Would you be able to justify unanswered prayers for your whole life? Would discovering that the Bible contain forged documents, altered texts, claim with no evidence and stories based on earlier texts outside your religion affect your faith at all?
If you don’t believe in God or at least in a personal god, what would it take for you to believe?
What would you need to learn or to see to be convinced that the God of the Bible is real?
Would you have to witness a miracle? Would you have to witness the positive results of a prayer for something specific and highly improbable that can’t be the result of luck or any other cause?
What if you discover evidence that God is real, but not beneficial or even evil? Would you still believe and worship that god?